Taught and demonstrated the laboratory sessions of a chemistry course, CHEM1100: Chemistry 1, in Semesters 1 & 2, 2024, supervised 15-20 students
Participated in the assignments and exams marking
Assisted in the school-based in-semester and end-of-semester exams invigilation
Administrative Intern
Beijing Genomics Institute
Responsible for the laboratory management of the whole Institute of Biochemistry
Supported the daily operation of the laboratory and administered the procurement of materials
Testing Technician
IMPAQ Testing Technology Co., LTD
Third-party testing of consumer products such as textiles, clothing and baby products
Responsible for laboratory daily testing, including the determination of pH value, formaldehyde and heavy metal contents of samples
Bachelor of Advanced Science with Class I Honours
The University of Queensland
Major Coursework: Physical Chemistry; Advanced Inorganic Chemistry; Determination of Molecular Structure; Calculus & Linear Algebra I & II; Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations; Quantum Mechanics I; Mathematical Probability
Awards and Honours: Dean’s Commendation for Academic Excellence in Semester 1, 2020 and Semester 2, 2024; Summer Scholarship for 2022/23 Summer Research Program